The Parish Council operates under the direction of the Pastor, Father Maxwell, assisting him by advising on relevant Parish Issues. Its goal is to offer a variety of viewpoints, and as such, consists of a variety of members, both appointed and elected:
The Council operates within specific boundaries established by the Diocese in the form of a Parish Council Constitution (Link coming soon).
Father Maxwell is the Pastor of Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church in Hermiston, Oregon.
Kay is the Parish Administrator for Our Lady of Angels. Her membership is Ex-Oficio due to her position as Parish Administrator.
Bill Elfering is an Elected Member to the Council, and the currently elected President of the Parish Council.
Dale is an Elected Member of the Concil and the currently elected Vice President of the Parish Council.
Bonnie Luisi is an Elected Member of the Council, and the currently elected Secretary of the Parish Council.
Lupe is an Elected Member of the Parish Council.
Runnisha is an Elected Member of the Parish Council.
Alma Hernandez is an Elected Member of the Parish Council.
Felipe Chavez is an elected member of the Parish Council.
Rebecca is an Ex-Oficio member as a representative of the Religious Education Program.
Vincent Trevino is an Ex-Oficio member as a representative of the Youth Programs.
Thank you for contacting us.
Your email will be addressed at the next Council Meeting.